Helium Form Builder and Divi make a great match

How to use Helium in Divi

Using Helium in Divi is a straightforward process. Helium is a popular WordPress form builder plugin with email scheduling feature, and Divi is a popular WordPress theme that allows you to create custom designs using its user-friendly builder. Here's how you can integrate Helium into Divi:
Elevate your website's user engagement with the Helium contact form, seamlessly integrated with Elementor. Craft stunning, interactive forms effortlessly and capture valuable leads with this powerful combination. Elevate your web design game and streamline your user communication with Helium and Elementor!
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1. Install and Activate Helium:
Go to your WordPress Dashboard.
Navigate to "Plugins" and click on "Add New."
Search for "Helium" and install the plugin or upload if downloaded from the web.
Activate the plugin.

2. Create a Form:
After activation, you'll see a new menu item called "forms" in your dashboard.
Click on "forms" and then click "Add New."
Choose a form template or start with a blank form.
Customize your form using the simple interface.

3. Set a Redirect Page
After creating the form, you can set a custom redirect page after every successful form submission.

4. Auto Responder
Set an auto response on successful form submission with header and footer.

How to get higher SEO rates with divi forms

Improving SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for forms created using the Divi theme involves optimizing various elements on your website to ensure that search engines can properly index and rank your content. Here are some steps you can take to get higher SEO rankings for Divi forms:

1. Use Descriptive Form Titles and Labels:
Ensure that your form titles and labels are clear and descriptive. This helps both users and search engines understand the purpose of your forms.

2. Optimize Form URLs:
If you're using the WPForms plugin with Divi, make sure the URLs of your form pages are optimized. Use relevant keywords in the URL slug, but keep it short and descriptive.

3. Mobile-Friendly Design:
Divi's responsive design ensures that your forms look good on all devices. Google considers mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor, so having mobile-responsive forms can positively impact your SEO.

4. Page Loading Speed:
Optimized forms should load quickly. Use image compression, minify CSS and JavaScript, and consider caching solutions to improve overall page loading speed. Google takes loading speed into account when ranking websites.

5. Implement Structured Data:
Structured data helps search engines understand the content of your forms better. You can use schema markup to provide context and relevant information about your forms. For example, if your form is for event registration, using structured data can indicate that to search engines.

6. Meta Descriptions:
If your forms are on separate pages, optimize the meta descriptions of those pages. A concise, informative, and keyword-rich meta description can entice users to click on your link in search results.

7. Quality Content Around Forms:
Consider creating high-quality content around your forms. Blog posts, articles, or landing pages that provide context and value related to your forms can attract organic traffic and boost your SEO efforts.

8. Keyword Optimization:
Integrate relevant keywords in the content surrounding your forms. This includes headings, subheadings, and body text. Avoid keyword stuffing—use keywords naturally and contextually.

9. Engaging and Relevant Content:
If your forms are embedded within content, make sure the content is engaging and relevant. This can reduce bounce rates, increase user engagement, and positively affect your SEO rankings.

10. Secure and Accessible Forms:
Ensure that your forms are secure and accessible. Google prefers websites that provide a secure browsing experience (HTTPS) and are accessible to users with disabilities.

11. Submit Thank-You Pages:
After a user submits a form, direct them to a thank-you page. This page can be an opportunity to engage users further and provide additional value or information. It also keeps users on your website longer, which can be beneficial for SEO.

12. Regularly Update and Maintain:
Keep your forms up to date. If you're using the WPForms plugin, make sure to update it regularly to benefit from the latest features, security updates, and improvements.

Remember that SEO is a long-term effort, and it takes time to see significant results. Continuously monitor your website's performance using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to identify areas for improvement. Additionally, staying updated with SEO best practices and algorithm changes can help you maintain and improve your rankings over time

How to use helium with divi

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
"Helium + Oxygen: A Fabulous Fusion for Effortless Website Brilliance!"

What are best pratices for using helium in divi

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Helium Demo Video

Experience Effortless Form Building: Helium Contact Form and Gutenberg Unite!

Frequently Asked Questions

For troubleshooting purposes, you may need access to the server that hosts your website. In addition, you’ll need a Google Workspace and WordPress admin account.

There are premium add-ons for Helium that greatly increase its features and usability depending on your needs. All Helium add-ons require Helium as a base. Liquid Helium allows you to manage multiple users and user roles. Liquid Helium requires Helium as a base. Compressed Helium adds many more features to Helium, including email marketing, and requires Helium as a base. Solid State Helium requires Compressed Helium AND Helium to be installed. Solid State adds AI and automation capabilities to Compressed Helium.

Form responses and email recipients can be exported to a CSV file.

You can! However, it requires the add-on Compressed Helium. For form data, Compressed Helium allows you to import CSV files containing form data, so if you have old leads you’d like to transfer onto a new form, or if you want to combine form data, Helium makes it easy. You can even import form templates from external sources, or from Helium forms you’ve previously built and exported. This functionality also requires Compressed Helium.

If you only envision needing one user, no. However, even in a single-user situation, Helium works best with Liquid’s user management features. For instance, you might want to install Helium with a catch-all email like “support@[your-company].com” so that confirmation emails sent to your responders aren’t being sent from your personal Gmail account. But you might also want to have access to Helium’s lead management features and notifications with your personal email, so that’s two Helium users: your catch-all email account and your personal email account. Liquid Helium has multiple packages, ranging from one user to unlimited users, that will fit your needs.

We offer anytime assistance via email, phone, or chat.

Solid State Helium determines when an email has been opened. It also can track an email’s clicked links.

Unfortunately, Helium does not have this functionality. However, we are always working on making Helium even better.

Helium is only available on WordPress. However, in the future it may be available on other platforms.

With the free version of Helium and no add-ons, you can have one active form at a time. With the premium add-on Compresssed Helium, you can have many more. Depending on the number of responses you anticipate and whether you intend on running campaigns with Helium, we recommend having no more than 25 active forms at a time.